

2018 Asian Humanism Conference – Kaohsiung, Taiwan

What's humanism?

Humanism is a worldview that holds people as capable of autonomous moral growth. It seeks to make a world that is not only just, but equitable, for people regardless of age, race, gender, etc. In action, humanism seeks human solutions for issues that affect human beings. For further reading on the principles of international humanism, please read the Amsterdam Declaration.

About the Asian Humanism Conference

The Asian Humanism Conference is a meeting of humanist youth in Asia. It's goals are to help build connections between people and humanist organizations in the region as well as offer training on skills and capacity building to help make groups more effective in the work as humanists. In recent years the Asian Humanism Conference has been held in India,Bangladesh,Indonesia,Nepal, Singapore, and the Philippines as well as other nations. This year, it will be held again in Taiwan, the second time for the conference to be held in East Asia.

About the Hosts

The conference's main sponsor is the International Humanists and Ethical Youth Organization(IHEYO), the youth branch of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). IHEYO is an umbrella organization that creates links between young humanists throughout the world. The local hosts of the event is Humanistic Pastafarianism in Taiwan, the local humanist organizations in Taiwan.

About the Theme

In this conference, representatives from each country are going to draft the Asian Humanist Declaration, announcing to the world our vision for Asia. Through workshops, each of us from different countries is going to share our experiences and ideas and devise a strategy that can help our communities integrate and interact with each other. Unlike the seminars we did before, which mainly focused on sharing knowledge and experiences, this time we are going to focus on action plans. We hope the development of this area does not stop at merely exchanging opinions. We should utilize resources available in each country to actually promote humanism. This will be a new page in the history of the humanism development in Asia. As the host of this event, Taiwan steps into the global spotlight at this historic moment. This will surely elevate Taiwan's international standing.


  • Date: 29 – 30 Dec, 2018
  • Time: 9am-5pm on Dec 29, 9am – 5pm on Dec 30
  • Location: No.58, Qixian 3rd Rd., 2th floor, Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City , Taiwan                     Hotel Yam
  • Cost:
        • Non-Humanistic Pastafarianism in Taiwan Members NTD$2000
        •  Humanistic Pastafarianism in Taiwan Members NTD$1500
The fee includes 2 lunches and  admission to all of the talks and panels during the conference.

Registration deadline: 12/10


    Speaker introduction

    Panelist Introduction

    Traffic and Accommodation 


    2018 亞洲人文主義大會:人文戰士工作坊




    1.        各國代表將簽屬亞洲人文主義宣言,向世界宣示我們的對亞洲的願景。
    2.        以工作坊的形式,學員們將彙整各國經驗與創意制定策略計畫,促進區域整合與交流。
    3.        不同於以往大會以知識和經驗交流為目標,本次全面聚焦於行動方案,希望區域發展不只是停留在意見的交流,而是能組織各地的資源並且以行動來發展人文主義,這將是人文主義在亞洲發展中嶄新一頁的起點。
    4.        台灣作為主辦方,在這個歷史的時刻登上國際舞台,著實能提升我國的國際地位。

    • 日期: 201812/29、30
    • 時間: 兩日早上九點到下午五點
    • 地點: 台灣 高雄市 塩旅社二樓大舞台空間 (鹽埕區七賢三路58號)
    • 費用:
      • 非台灣人文煮意麵團會員 NTD$2000
      •  台灣人文煮意麵團會員 NTD$1500


    1.        認識亞洲各國人文主義領袖和幹部,拓展國際人脈。
    2.        發想國際企劃,人文國際(Humanist International)出資實現。
    3.        教戰講座教你國際合作技巧和創意企劃發想。
    4.        有吃有玩有朋友還能練英文,好活動不來嗎?


    Danielle Hill:青年人文國際(前身為IHEYO)副主席。她是一位多次獲獎的演說家,曾在台北2016年亞洲大會擔任講者,並擔任2017年馬尼拉亞洲大會主辦人。


    吳宗仁:Think of Marketing and Technology: 文案和數位營銷開發人員。MBS 多元商:文案講師。Myfeel Inc.:中國市場部執行長



    Alain Sayson Presillas:菲律賓籍,曼達維市綜合國立高中(MCCNHS)教師協會理事長,從事科學教育20年。

    Nabina Maharjan:尼泊爾籍,人本會社(SOCH秘書農村發展碩士畢業。


    Jamilah Lim:馬來西亞籍,馬來西亞無神論與世俗人文主義者(MASH)的委員。具超過5年的媒體專業,曾擔任公關、數位行銷,致力於人權和女權發展。


    Michael Sherlock(無神論作家):我最近去愛沙尼亞大會,他們已經辦過好幾次了,而你們辦得和他們一樣好。


    Michael Bigelow(香港懷疑論會社):能受邀至2016亞洲大會擔任講者是莫大榮幸! 




    這場大會的主辦單位為青年人文國際Young Humanist International(前IHEYO), YHI致力於世界上的人文主義者之間的交流與互動。而大會的承辦單位為在地的宗教組織-台灣人文煮意麵團,由台灣本地的青年組成結合「人文主義」和「飛天麵神」兩個理念的宗教團體,曾參與多項活動如:2018台中同遊、2018台南彩虹遊行、2017世界人權日......

    圖像裡可能有7 個人、微笑的人、大家站著、帽子、小孩、樹和戶外


    圖像裡可能有7 個人、微笑的人、大家站著



    Schedule of the Cultural Tour to Mudan

    1. A few activities are more physically demanding, namely The tours of Gufu Trail in Damei, Mudan Incident Memorial Park, and Dongyuan Wetland. You can choose not to join depending on your condition.
    2. If you are prone to car sickness, remember to bring car sickness pills.
    3. The lowest temperature in the mountains is around 10 degrees Celsius, remember to prepare warm clothing.
    4. Please prepare your own toiletries and personal medicines.




    We, Asian Humanists,

    Reaffirming the Amsterdam Declaration as the fundamental tenets of modern Humanism,

    Taking into consideration that the pan-Asian region has diverse indigenous philosophical traditions to draw upon, as well as an innate multicultural landscape that allows for diverse schools of thought to flourish,

    Viewing with apprehension what appears to be a trend towards authoritarianism and State-backed dogmatism in the region, and

    Noting with deep concern that authoritarian regimes cloak their actions under the guise of culture and manipulate religious and ethical issues to maintain their power,

    1. Uphold the rights and intrinsic value of the individual, regardless of sex, gender, nationality, caste, creed, race, or tribe;

    1. Solemnly affirm the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a standard to which all States should aspire;

    1. Further affirm the Auckland Declaration as a guide with which to address the social causes of the politics of division,

    1. Support secular, democratic institutions that respect and adhere to human rights;

    1. Reject authoritarianism, fascism, and all other forms of strongman politics;

    1. Appeal to all Asian governments to cease the criminalization and institutionalized persecution of minority groups;

    1. Call upon Humanists across the pan-Asian region to adopt the Auckland Declaration, advocating for democracy, human rights, equality and fairness, rule of law, and individual freedoms in any way they can; and

    Express a deep hope that the region may look to its long history of indigenous philosophical tradition and combine it with modern humanist philosophy, using both as tools for social progress.


    Traffic and accommodation交通住宿

    How arrive to the venue

    / If you are driving

    Drive to Sun Yat-sen Freeway(National Highway No. 1) to Kaohsiung, take Zhongzheng Rd. from Zhongzheng Interchange, take the road along Zhongzheng Rd. to Dagong Rd., and turn left after seeing Qixian 3rd Rd.. 
    The Hotel Yam is in Qixian 3rd Rd. Intersection with Gongyuan 2nd Rd..

    / If you are coming from the  Kaohsiung International Airport (Siaogang Airport)

     ●Take the KRT

    From  Siaogang Station → Formosa Boulevard Station, take the Orange Line (to Sizihwan) →  Yanchengpu Station and walk for about 3 minutes from Exit 1 to the Hotel Yam

    (about 30 minutes)

    ●Take a Taxi

    Take a taxi to the airport gate to the  Hotel Yam (No.58, Qixian 3rd Rd.,  Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City , Taiwan)

    (about 25-35 minutes)

    / If you are coming from  Kaohsiung Railway Station(Kaohsiung Main Station)


    Kaohsiung Main Station → Formosa Boulevard Station Transfer to Orange Line (to  Sizihwan) →  Yanchengpu Station. Exit from Exit 1 and walk to the Hotel Yam for about 3 minutes 

    (about 15 minutes)


    Take bus 248 to Gushan Ferry and get off at Kaohsiung Fisherman's Wharf Station and walk to the Hotel Yam for about 10 minutes

    (about 25 minutes)


    Take a taxi from the front station (Jingguo Rd.) to the Hotel Yam

    (about 10-15 minutes)

    / If you are from the  Zuoying High Speed ​​Rail Station(Zuoying HSR station)


    Zuoying Station → Formosa Boulevard Station Transfer to Orange Line (to Sizihwan) →  Yanchengpu Station. Exit from Exit 1 and walk to the Hotel Yam for about 3 minutes 

    (about 25 minutes)

    ● Taxi

    Take a taxi to the Hotel Yam on the Jhancian N. Rd 

    (about 25 minutes)

    Accommodation information around the venue

    1. Hotel Yam(No.58, Qixian 3rd Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City , Taiwan )
    2. Klabnb (No.41-1, Xinxing St., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City , Taiwan)
    3. Chateau de Chine Hotel Kaohsiung (No.43, Daren Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City , Taiwan)
    4. Kingship Hotel Kaoohsiung (No.98, Qixian 3rd Rd.,Yancheng District,Kaohsiung City , Taiwan)
    5. JOE'S APARTMENT (No. 91, Wufu 4th Rd., Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City ,Taiwan)
    6. Huahou Hotel (No.219 Gong Yuan 2nd Rd. Kaohsiung, Taiwan)


    / 如果你是開車


    / 如果你是從 小港機場 

    至機場門口搭乘計程車往塩旅社 (約25-35分鐘)

    / 如果你是從 高雄火車站 來

    高雄車站→美麗島站轉乘橘線(往西子灣)→鹽埕埔站從1號出口步行約3分鐘就到塩旅社  (約15分鐘)
    搭乘248公車往鼓山渡輪方向搭乘至漁人碼頭站下車步行約10分鐘就到塩旅社 (約25分鐘)
    至前站(建國路)門口搭乘計程車往塩旅社 (約10-15分鐘)

    / 如果你是從 左營高鐵站 

    左營站→美麗島站轉乘橘線(往西子灣)→鹽埕埔站從1號出口步行約3分鐘就到塩旅社  (約25分鐘)
    於站前北路搭乘往塩旅社 (約25分)


    1. 塩旅社 (高雄市鹽埕區七賢三路58號)
    2. 塩晶棧 (高雄市鹽埕區新興街41-1號)
    3. 翰品酒店-高雄 (高雄市鹽埕區大仁路43號)
    4. 高雄漢王洲際飯店 (高雄市鹽埕區七賢三路98號)
    5. 冒煙的喬就是公寓旅店 (高雄市鹽埕區五福四路91號)
    6. 華后大飯店 (高雄市鹽埕區公園二路219號)


    Dec 29
    09:00-09:30 Registration
    09:30-10:00 Opening  
    10:00-11:00 Asian Humanist Manifesto Signature and Declaration
    11:00-12:30 Lunch
    12:30-14:00 Empowerment Lecture 1
    14:00-15:00 Snack

    15:00-16:30 Status Quo and Problem Analysis
    16:30-17:00 Closing

    Dec 30
    09:00-09:30 Registration
    09:30-11:00 Empowerment Lecture 2
    11:00-12:30 Lunch
    12:30-14:00 Strategic and Activist Projects
    14:00-15:00 Snack
    15:00-16:30 Presentation and Evaluation
    16:30-17:00 Closing


    1.        Asian Humanist Manifesto Signature and Declaration:
    Press conference about Asian Humanism Declaration (Kaohsiung declaration), presenting the vision and goals of humanists in Asia.

    2.        Empowerment Lecture 1:
    Participants will do short exercises designed to give participants the tools to build meaningful partnerships.

    3.        Status Quo and Problem Analysis:
    There will have four panelists from different country in Asia to lead groups of participants to analyze the current situation and developmental problem of humanism in Asia.

    4.        Empowerment Lecture 2:
    Participants will learn how to find out the solution to solve problems and share the tools that optimize the idea and strategy for the organization.

    5.        Strategic and Activist Projects:
    We will use the material and information we have collected in previous sessions to design a practical project for humanism development Asia.

    6.        Presentation and Evaluation:
    Each group will present their project, then the Young Humanist International Asian Working Group will evaluate the projects.